In the 2018 season, In10sity Dance launched its first title competition where dancers have the opportunity to compete for one of four Con10der titles awarded at each regional and National event: Mini, Junior, Teen & Senior.
Each dancer submits a solo and the top ten scoring soloists from each Con10tion age division go on to compete in an exclusive improv competition. Con10ders are chosen by our judges, taking into consideration their solo as well as their improv performance. Each Con10der title winner will be awarded a $100 cash prize and a $100 scholarship to a 2025 In10sity Dance event.
If your studio is joining us at Nationals, you won’t want miss out on our exciting National Con10der title competition. Dancers must have registered as a Con10der at their regional event in order to participate at Nationals. Starting the first morning at nationals – Con10ders will compete in three different events that make up the program: Solo, Improv, and Interview. All-Access Passes, generous cash prizes, and a special elevated performance experience make this program something your dancers will definitely want to be a part of!
Highlights of the Con10der program at Nationals include:
-Personalized video introduction
-Custom welcome posters for participants
-Dedicated Con10der events including solo performances, improv competition, and interview presentation