2025 National Event

Join us and close out your 2025 competitive season at In10sity Nat10nals!



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Tickets are valid from June 16, 2025 – July 6, 2025. To enter a park, both a park reservation and valid ticket on the same day are required. To make park reservations, you will need to sign-in to an existing Disney® Account or create a new one and link each ticket. Park reservations are subject to availability – please check the Park Availability Calendar. For details on making a park reservation, please visit Disney Park Pass Experience UpdatesWhether it’s your first visit or your 100th, we recommend reviewing the Walt Disney World® Resort Experience Updates.

At each Regional event, outstanding soloists registered within the Premier and Elite competitive classes amongst the Junior, Teen, and Senior divisions are selected and deemed “In10se Dancers” and invited to perform in the Opening Number at our Nat10nals.

In10sity also holds an audition at the start of our event for any additional eligible dancers participating in our Nat10nals who wish to be considered for the finale opener. Throughout the week, this group of dancers work together alongside our professional choreographer through a series of pre-scheduled rehearsals to learn the Opening Number which is performed on the final day of competition just prior to the GRP Finale.

There are few memories taken away from an In10sity Nat10nals more impactful than the Opening Number performed by our In10se Dancers. It is nothing short of absolute magic to witnessing a group of young artists come together from all over North America to create what is always a jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring piece to set the stage for the final performances of our event!


Studios with dancers attending Nat10nals will advise In10sity of any In10se Dancers planning to participate as well as any additional dancers wishing to audition (date, time, & on-site location of the audition TBD) to be considered for the Opening Number. In order to participate all dancers must be pre-registered as either an In10se Dancer or as an auditionee prior to the event by the posted deadline. Also, please be aware that this is always a closed audition, meaning only dancers and the choreographer and his/her assistants are welcome in the audition room. Following the audition, In10sity will hold a brief informational meeting for all In10se Dancers as well as dancers who were selected from the audition; parents are also encouraged to attend.


All participants in the Opening Number commit to a mandatory pre-determined rehearsal schedule set forth by the choreographer and In10sity staff, which will be released. With that understanding, every dancers’ most important priority at Nat10nals is their commitment to their studio and their competitive performance(s). In the event that a scheduled rehearsal conflicts with a dancer’s performance time or a dancer’s designated awards ceremony, the performance or awards ceremony takes precedence. Given the severe time constraint and complexity of creating and setting the piece, these are the only exceptions for missing a rehearsal. All dancers wishing to participate in the Opening Number should plan to be in attendance from the first day through the last day of our entire Nat10nal Finals event.


All dancers performing in the Opening Number will be required to purchase a top for the performance. We will gather sizing from pre-registered In10se Dancers prior to the event and have extras available for any dancers selected from the audition. We strongly advise against wearing the garment prior to the performance. All dancers are required to wear plain, solid-colored black bottoms of their choosing free of any visible logos, patterns, etc. We highly encourage dancers to bring a back up black bottom as you never can be too prepared!

Our Con10der program challenges dancers through a series of exciting competitive experiences leading up to the selection of a Nat10nal Mini, Junior, Teen & Senior winner who are each awarded a $500 cash award and a season-long full scholarship to In10sity Dance the following season!

In order to compete for Con10der at In10sity Nat10nals, dancers must compete for Con10der at a Regional event within the same calendar year. As well, all Con10ders must be registered as an Elite class competitor. Therefore, this program is exclusive to Mini, Junior, Teen, and Senior age division competitors.


All Con10ders will perform a solo which will be scheduled within their respective age division of the preliminary competition. It is not required that the solo chosen to compete is the same solo the dancer performed at their respective Regional competition and they are welcome to perform additional solos as part of the preliminary competition, for which they will be eligible for general divisional overalls.

AS OF 2024...

Con10ders will have their own divisional overall which will be announced after we announce the Honorees for Interview and Improv at Con10der Night. In10sity will announce placements with the exception of the top 3 or 5 (depending on division size) which we’ll announce in no particular order as these dancers will re-perform for our judges. This is important as the adjudicators who judge the interview and improv may not necessarily be the same adjudicators who judge the preliminary solo divisions and collective of Con10der solos.


Additionally, all dancers will perform in an improv competition amongst their fellow competitors as well as participate in an on-stage interview as part of a special section of our Nat10nal Event designed exclusively for our Con10ders! For the interview portion, dancers are encouraged to dress to impress as they take the stage to answer a random interview question. Following, all competitors collectively return to the stage with their respective age group for a lively improv competition where they perform individually (but briefly!) while being supported by their fellow dancers and the audience. Both of these elements play a significant role in the judges’ decision-making process of naming the Nat10nal Con10ders!


In10sity’s judges recognize 3 to 5 honorees (depending on number of competitors) from the Improv and Interview sections of Con10der Night.

AS OF 2024...

After naming the Improv & Interview Honorees, In10sity will announce the Con10der divisional overall with the exception of the top 3 to 5 scoring (again, depending on number of competitors). These soloists are named in no particular order as they will re-perform for our judges. If a dancer is an Interview AND Improv Honoree but not a high scoring soloist within their respective Con10der divisional overall, they are classified as a “Dual Winner” and will also have the opportunity to re-perform their solo.

After all eligible Con10ders have re-performed their solos, our judges then name our Nat10nal Con10ders who are each awarded a $500 cash award as well as an All-Access Pass (full-scholarship) to the following In10sity Dance season.

If the Senior Con10der is a graduating senior, they will be awarded a $1,000 cash award in lieu of a full-scholarship to the following season. 

Our Nat10nal Con10ders have the distinct honor of dancing their solos once more as featured performers in our GRP Finale on the final day of competition!

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The night before the start of our Nat10nals event, studio directors and their staff are invited to join our In10sity team for a hosted welcome party! Here, they’ll have an opportunity to mix and mingle, receive check-in materials, and share in a toast to the week ahead!


In10sity offers complimentary master classes to all dancers registered for the competition! Classes are scheduled throughout the week and grouped into 11 & under and 12 & over. The master class schedule and teaching staff will be released with the final schedule of our event!

Performing in the In10sity finale is truly one of the most distinguished opportunities a dancer can be given at our Nat10nals! Unlike the preliminary section of competition where performances are assigned a score, all Nat10nal Finalist performances are ranked within our finales by our expert panel of adjudicators and thereby our Nat10nal Champions are named in each division!


Upon completion of all solo, duet/trio divisions from the preliminary section of our Nat10nals, we will hold our Solo & Duet/Trio Finale which takes place mid-week! The top 5 highest scoring solos and top 3 highest scoring duet/trios from the Premier & Elite classes of competition will advance in addition to the highest scoring Petite soloists and duet/trios, if there are enough to qualify. We do not break ties within the preliminary section of competition and therefore, we may advance through more than 5 solos or 3 duet/trios to the finale!


In10sity advances the top 5 highest scoring small and large groups from the Premier and Elite classes of competition amongst the Mini, Junior, Teen, & Senior age divisions as well as the combined top 5 highest scoring Petite small groups, large groups, lines & productions from the preliminary section of competition to our GRP Finale on the final day of our Nat10nals. As with our Solos & Duet/Trios, we do not break ties at Nat10nals creating the possibility that more than 5 routines could advance within a given competitive class and age division.

In10sity devotes an entire section of our Nat10nals exclusively to the production division during our Production Challenge! All productions are competed within their respective age division and competitive class however, In10sity may combine familial age divisions and competitive classes in an effort to compose appropriate groups of finalists.

Each studio is given an opportunity to designate and compete a maximum of one production within the following divisions: Premier 11 & under, Premier 12 & over, Elite 11 & under, and Elite 12 & over with all the general age division and competitive class guidelines applicable. At the close of the Production Challenge, In10sity will name our four Nat10nal Champion Productions and award each of them a $500 cash award for each division containing at least two routines.


Just as we do at our Regional events, In10sity recognizes eligible studios through The In10sity Challenge with the cash award denominations doubled, all for except first place who will be awarded Ten Thousand Dollars! Most interesting to note is the way in which The In10sity Challenge is integrated into our Nat10nals as it’s all calculated based on scores from the preliminary sections of our competition. Meaning, the results of the finales have no bearing whatsoever on the outcome. This makes In10sity Nat10nals a truly unique experience as every performance really does matter!


For every finale division containing at least 3 routines, a cash award will be awarded! Cash award denominations may vary based on size division and competitive class.


As has grown in popularity amongst our Regional events, In10sity hosts our In10se Improv competition at our Nat10nals! Dancers are welcome to register on site within their respective age division and our judges will name a Mini, Junior, Teen, and Senior In10se Improv Nat10nal Champion who will each be awarded a $150 cash award!


In10sity awards our Mini, Junior, Teen and Senior Nat10nal Con10ders each a $500 cash award as well as an All Access Pass good for a full-scholarship of free entry fees to the following calendar year! In the event the Senior Con10der is a graduating senior, they will be awarded a $1,000 cash award in lieu of an All Access Pass.

In10sity’s unique opportunity for graduating seniors attending our Nat10nals to be awarded a cash scholarship toward their higher education post graduation.

Living with In10tion scholarships can be applied to any qualified/vetted/accredited college, university, conservatory, or vocational program.
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In10sity Dance raises funds for the Living with In10tion scholarship program two ways. The first of which is by contributing $1 from every routine that is competed on our stages across the United States. Second, at all of our competitions dancers are invited to participate in our take on a photogenic competition called Beauty with In10tion, whereby 100% of the proceeds paid to participate go directly into the Living with In10tion Scholarship fund. Through the support of In10sity Dance at large and Beauty with In10tion, over $100,000 in cash scholarships have been awarded to date!


All applicants must be a graduating senior registered for and attending In10sity’s Nat10nals within the year in which they apply. Each applicant must also have already been accepted to a qualified/vetted/accredited college, university, conservatory, or vocational program to which the scholarships are made directly payable.


Living with In10tion applicants must fulfill 2 key requirements in order to be considered for a scholarship. First, they must submit a letter of recommendation from an adult mentor who is not a parent or legal guardian. Second, every applicant must submit an artistic piece of their choosing based on each years’ designated theme. The 2025 theme is “DEFINING IN10TION”. The artistic submission can be in the form of any of the following: a cinematic short submitted via video, a song submitted via audio, a poem submitted in writing or audio, a piece of choreography submitted via video, a photo of a piece of visual art, or a written essay. In10sity will begin accepting submissions via email at lw10@in10sity-dance.com on Friday, May 16th, 2025 and our application process will close Monday, June 16th, 2025 at 5:00pm EST. Prior to June 16th, the submission form will be emailed to any graduating senior who has already submitted all materials for their Living with In10tion application.